PETS – Erasmus+ in Cologne

PETS – Erasmus+ in Cologne

The first day of our Erasmus+ trip to Cologne was Monday the 9th of December. Our theme for this Erasmus project was sustainable and ecological food production. First thing in the morning, we met the project participants from Norway and Germany. The German delegation...
Erasmus+ Die 4B in Tschechien

Erasmus+ Die 4B in Tschechien

Die 4b unternahm von 22.09. bis 25.09. 2024 eine Tschechien Reise unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Steiner-Kofler und Herrn Prof. Schmidl. Wir besuchten das Gymnázium Komenského, in Havířov. Havířov befindet sich im Nord-Osten Tschechiens, nahe der Stadt Ostrava....
PETS Crete

PETS Crete

Today was our first day of the Erasmus Project PETS in Crete, where the countries Germany, Norway, Greece and Austria were participating. In the morning, we walked to the 1st vocational Lyceum Heraklion, where we received a warm welcome. In the beginning of the...
Workshops der 6E zur Nationalratswahl

Workshops der 6E zur Nationalratswahl

Richtig Diskutieren lernen , eintauchen in die Welt der Politik – Workshops der 6E zur Nationalratswahl Am 12. September nahm die Klasse 6E an einem spannenden und lehrreichen Workshop teil. Gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Wiesinger erlernten die Schülerinnen und Schüler, wie...


Monday On our first day, our Erasmus-project “Protecting the Environment Teaching Sustainability – P.E.T.S.” started with a focus on agriculture and an introduction to students from the other Erasmus-project delegations from Turkiye, Germany and Norway. After...
WWW Vienna

WWW Vienna

On the first day of the Erasmus project WWW our guests from Bulgaria and Belgium arrived in our school, where we warmly welcomed them. We started off by presenting ourselves, our countries and the social media applications we use. Later, we played a few...