European High School


Unser Erasmus+ Projekt „European Ideas and identities“ ist eine dreijährige Kooperation der European High School des BRGORG 15 in Wien, des Albertus Magnus Gymnasiums in Köln, des Lycée Jeanne d`Arc in Bayeux und der Eikeli videregaende skole in Oslo.

Das Projekt wird auf einer eigenen Website betreuet:


Die European High School (EHS) ist eine in Wien einzigartige schulautonome AHS-Oberstufenform mit Europaschwerpunkt. Sie bietet die Möglichkeit, dass die europäische Dimension unserer Gesellschaft als Schulalltag erlebt und die sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt in einem vereinten Europa zur Normalität wird.

Die EHS bietet sich als fortführende Schule für Schülerinnen und Schüler der KMS/NMS oder AHS-Unterstufe mit Interesse an europäischen Anliegen, an Fremdsprachen und interkultureller Kommunikation an.

Prinzipien der EHS
  • Förderung von Interesse an aktuellem Geschehen und gesellschaftspolitischen Entwicklungen
  • Hinführen zu Europakompetenz in den Bereichen: Geschichte, Geografie, Politik, Gesellschaft, Kunst und Kultur, Wissenschaft und Technik, Natur und Umwelt
  • Vermittlung von vertieften Fremdsprachenkenntnissen (mit Schwerpunkt Englisch)
  • Das Fach „European Studies“ ist ein schulautonomer Pflichtgegenstand, der in englischer Sprache mit Unterstützung durch einen Native Assistant Teacher unterrichtet wird. „European Studies“ erschließt inhaltlich die europäische Dimension des Zweiges (laut Lehrplan mit Themen zu europäischer Geschichte, Geografie, Politik, …)
Inhalte und Schwerpunkte der EHS
  • Jahrgangsspezifische Bildungsreisen (Europawoche in Brüssel, Sprachreisen, Reisen in europäische Großstädte…)
  • Unterstützung im Unterricht durch einen Native Assistant Teacher
  • Teilweise Englisch als Arbeitssprache (CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning) in verschiedenen Unterrichtsgegenständen mit Unterstützung vom Europabüro
  • Internationale Projekte (Eramsums+) und Kooperation mit europäischen Partnerschulen (z. B. eTwinning)
  • Maturables Wahlpflichtfach „Interkulturelle Kommunikation“
PETS – Erasmus+ in Cologne

PETS – Erasmus+ in Cologne

The first day of our Erasmus+ trip to Cologne was Monday the 9th of December. Our theme for this Erasmus project was sustainable and ecological food production. First thing in the morning, we met the project participants from Norway and Germany. The German delegation...

Erasmus+ Die 4B in Tschechien

Erasmus+ Die 4B in Tschechien

Die 4b unternahm von 22.09. bis 25.09. 2024 eine Tschechien Reise unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Steiner-Kofler und Herrn Prof. Schmidl. Wir besuchten das Gymnázium Komenského, in Havířov. Havířov befindet sich im Nord-Osten Tschechiens, nahe der Stadt Ostrava....

PETS Crete

PETS Crete

Today was our first day of the Erasmus Project PETS in Crete, where the countries Germany, Norway, Greece and Austria were participating. In the morning, we walked to the 1st vocational Lyceum Heraklion, where we received a warm welcome. In the beginning of the...

Workshops der 6E zur Nationalratswahl

Workshops der 6E zur Nationalratswahl

Richtig Diskutieren lernen , eintauchen in die Welt der Politik – Workshops der 6E zur Nationalratswahl Am 12. September nahm die Klasse 6E an einem spannenden und lehrreichen Workshop teil. Gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Wiesinger erlernten die Schülerinnen und Schüler, wie...



Monday On our first day, our Erasmus-project “Protecting the Environment Teaching Sustainability - P.E.T.S.” started with a focus on agriculture and an introduction to students from the other Erasmus-project delegations from Turkiye, Germany and Norway. After...

WWW Vienna

WWW Vienna

On the first day of the Erasmus project WWW our guests from Bulgaria and Belgium arrived in our school, where we warmly welcomed them. We started off by presenting ourselves, our countries and the social media applications we use. Later, we played a few...

Job Shadowing – Norwegen

Job Shadowing – Norwegen

Von Montag, 11.03.2024 bis Freitag, 15.03.2024 durfte ich an einem Erasmus+ Projekt, Job Shadowing, teilnehmen. Ich besuchte die Tertnes vgs., Vestland fylkeskommune, in der Nähe von Bergen, Norwegen. Den Kontakt zu dieser Schule gab es schon seit letztem Sommer. Im...

Exkursion nach Brüssel zu den EU-Institutionen

Exkursion nach Brüssel zu den EU-Institutionen

Eine Bildungsreise gemeinsam mit den Schüler/innen des AMG Bensberg Ankunft und Stadtführung Nach einer verhältnismäßig kurzen Anreise, die mit dem Flugzeug erfolgte, hatten wir noch die Möglichkeit am selben Tag am Nachmittag eine Stadtführung in Brüssel zu...

New genetic engineering in a fast-track procedure

New genetic engineering in a fast-track procedure

After receiving an invitation to an information and discussion event about "New genetic engineering: future technology or greenwashing?" from the house of EU, 7e got the chance to participate in a really interesting meeting. The event started with three expert inputs,...

Erasmus Project Brussels 2024 7E

Erasmus Project Brussels 2024 7E

On our first working day in Brussels we met with the other students from Mezra, Bulgaria and the students from Brussels in their school, the Antheneum. The school is a new modern building and on the 5th floor where we were located, is the panorama, a room with a nice...

Erasmus Project PETS Vienna

Erasmus Project PETS Vienna

Monday was our first day of the project. First, we introduced ourselves to the students and teachers and we all presented our school, the city, and local traditions. After that, we showed the students around our school and told them some facts about it; then we were...

From iPads to Chrome: Job Shadowing Experience in the Canaries

From iPads to Chrome: Job Shadowing Experience in the Canaries

A job shadowing experience at schools typically involves observing and learning from teachers and staff to gain insight into their daily routines, responsibilities, and best practices. From December 18th to 22nd, 2023, our school had the opportunity to visit two...

Our trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg

Our trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg

A group of 24 students (6e, 7b and 7e) were invited to take part in an Euroscola session in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg. Together with students form 12 different nations, we had the pleasure to meet the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Marc Angel. The...

Brüsselreise der 6E und 8E

Brüsselreise der 6E und 8E

Im Zuge ihrer Bildungsreise im Oktober haben die Klassen 6E und 8E ihren Besuch bei den EU Institutionen, der Ständigen Vertretung Österreichs, die Besichtigung der Städte Brüssel inklusive Atomium und Brügge sowie ihre Highlights als Gruppe anhand eines...

EYP Mini Secession

EYP Mini Secession

On the 25th of September 2023 a few students of 6e and 7e were invited to BRORG 2 Lessinggasse, where students from other schools such as BRG 18 and the Ursulinen also participated. They took part in a mini sessions organized by the European Youth Parliament on...

Zu Gast beim 20. ÖGB Bundeskongress

Zu Gast beim 20. ÖGB Bundeskongress

Die Schüler/innen der E-Klassen zu Gast beim 20. ÖGB Bundeskongress/ The students of the E-classes as guests at the 20th ÖGB Federal Congress 5e, 6e and 7e from our European Highschool, were invited to visit the 20th ÖGB´s Federal Congress at the Austrian Vienna...

Report Bol – Erasmus SMART

Report Bol – Erasmus SMART

On Monday, May 23rd, the last mobility in the Erasmus SMART project officially started in Croatia. We met with other international groups from Lanzarote, Catania, Dinan, Izmir and Bol in the harbor of Split. We went to Krka National Park by bus. On the bus we had the...

Report UNO

Report UNO

On 25.05.2023 our class, the 6E had the opportunity to visit the United Nations Office and The Austrian Representation to The International Organizations in Vienna with Ms. Metz and Ms. Theuermann, who had already prepared us very well for this day. We were provided...

Europe Day am BRGORG15

Europe Day am BRGORG15

Europe Day, held on 9 May every year, celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic “Schuman declaration” that sets out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe ‘s nations...

Job Shadowing am BRGORG15

Job Shadowing am BRGORG15

Im April hatten wir erstmals Kolleginnen aus dem Ausland zu Besuch bei uns an der Schule zum Job Shadowing. Ein fünfköpfiges Lehrerinnenteam aus Helskini, Finland hat drei Tage das Schulleben am Henriettenplatz mitverfolgt. Dabei gab es die Gelegenheit verschiedenste...

Erasmus+ Smart Frankreich

Erasmus+ Smart Frankreich

On Saturday the 21th of January, our first day in Paris, we took the subway to Disneyland. Even the train ride was a magical moment. As soon as we entered the amusement park, we were mesmerized of the Sleeping Beauty Castle and the Main Street with all its shops. At 1...

Brüsselreise – 6E

Brüsselreise – 6E

On our first day in the capital city of Belgium, Brussels, we arrived at 10 am by train, and made our way to the hotel, where we checked in and got a one and a half hour break. Our group went to a fish and chips restaurant and it was delicious. The owner was also very...

Erasmus+ Reise – Catania

Erasmus+ Reise – Catania

On November 21st, our "S.M.A.R.T."  project continued in Catania (Italy) where we were all well hosted. A private bus picked us up in front of the hotel along with the other groups from Croatia, Spain, France and Turkey.  At the entrance to the school, Italian...

Erasmus+ Reise – Rize

Erasmus+ Reise – Rize

On the first day we got to visit the Anadolu Denizcilik Meslek Lisesi (a technical secondary school in Rize), then we had the chance to learn about the different cities, countries and schools through presentations made by the students. After finishing up the...

Erasmus+ Reise – Düzce

Erasmus+ Reise – Düzce

On our first day in Düzce we met students at the Borsa Istanbul Technical and Anatolian High School. Each country did presentations about their home country, city and school. After that we had a lunch break and ate traditional Turkish dishes like sarma, cig köfte,...

Erasmus+ Reise – Izmir

Erasmus+ Reise – Izmir

On Monday we were picked up at 8:30 and brought to a meeting place near the school. We first played games to get to know each other better. After that we presented the natural made wonders, each country separately. For Austria we chose to present the Lobau,...

Erasmus Reise Belgrad

Erasmus Reise Belgrad

We started our Erasmus project on Monday in school with presentations about our countries, cities and schools. After a quick tour at 6th Belgrade grammar school, we went for lunch at a local restaurant with typical Serbian food. Following lunch, we had an informative...

Die 7DE in Brüssel und Paris

Die 7DE in Brüssel und Paris

Brussels and Paris 2022 On Sunday, the 26th of June, 19 7th graders started their day in Brussels with a big breakfast buffet in the lovely Meininger City Center Hostel. Afterwards we took the subway to the Parlamentarium, where we participated in an interactive...

Erasmusreise – Rumänien

Erasmusreise – Rumänien

On Monday we were picked up by the Romanian teachers for school where we were welcomed with some original Romanian bread and salt. After we all settled down inside a classroom each team started presenting their country, school and the marine life in the Black Sea. At...

Erasmus Reise nach Lanzarote

Erasmus Reise nach Lanzarote

On our first project-day we got the chance to introduce ourselves to the other participants from Spain, Italy, France, Croatia and Turkey and we played a funny get-to-know-you-game. After that the Spanish people gave us a presentation about their own island and...

“Clean Danube, clean Black Sea” in Vienna

“Clean Danube, clean Black Sea” in Vienna

Wir könnten nun ebenfalls unsere Erasmus+ Projektpartner aus Ungarn, Serbien, Rumänien und der Türkei bei uns in Wien begrüßen und gemeinsam eine interessante Woche mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Donau“ verbringen. Den genauen Ablauf haben die Schülerinnen der 7e...


  • Semesterferien
    3 Februar 2025 - 7 Februar 2025 @ 

  • Campustag Peer Mediation
    15 Februar 2025 @ 08:00 - 17:00

  • Schulpsychologe
    21 Februar 2025 @ 07:45 - 13:00


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